Results for 'Joseph Anton S. von Riegger'

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  1. Studien zur Geschichte der Frühscholastik, Gerard von Czanád.Joseph Anton Endres - 1913 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 29:349-359.
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  2. Otlohs von St. Emmeram Verhältnis zu den freien Künsten, insbesondere zur Dialektik.Joseph Anton Endres - 1904 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 17:44-52.
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    Die Metaphysik des Thomas von Aquin in historischer Perspektive, II.Teil by Leo J. Elders. [REVIEW]Joseph Owens - 1989 - The Thomist 53 (2):337-339.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BOOK REVIEWS 887 could also be useful in a science course as an outside reading for those interested in expanding their intellectual horizons in an inter· disciplinary way. F. F. CENTORE St. Jerome's College U. of Waterloo, Ontario Die Metaphysik des Thomas von Aquin in historischer Perspektive, ILTeil. Salzburger Studien zur Philosophie, Band 17. By LEO J. ELDERS. Salzburg/Miinchen: Verlag Anton Pustet, 1987. Pp. 331. Paper, DM 54. (...)
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  4. Totengespräch zwischen Franz Joseph Haydn aus Rohrau und Anton Friedrich Wilhelm von Webern aus Wien in der musikalischen Unterwelt.Andreas Dorschel - 2010 - In Andreas Dorschel & Federico Celestini (eds.), Arbeit am Kanon: Ästhetische Studien zur Musik von Haydn bis Webern. Universal Edition. pp. 9-15.
    In the spirit of Fontenelle's "Dialogues des morts", Dorschel stages an imaginary conversation between 18th century composer Joseph Haydn and 20th century composer Anton von Webern. In the section of Hades reserved for composers, they confront their different musical poetics.
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  5. Schelling's erste Vorlesung in Berlin.Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von Schelling - 1968 - [Amsterdam,: Rodopi.
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  6. "Prismatic and Diffraction Spectra". Translated and edited by J. S. Ames, Ph. D.Joseph von Fraunhofer - 1899 - The Monist 9:463.
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    Philosophy and religion: (1804).Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von Schelling - 2008 - Putnam, Conn.: Spring Publications. Edited by Klaus Ottmann.
    This is the first translation into English of an important early work of the German idealist philosopher F.W.J. Schelling. Philosophy and Religion (1804) is considered a precursor to his major work on freedom, his Philosophical Inquiries into the Nature of Human Freedom (1809). In Philosophy and Religion, Schelling raises the question of how philosophy can come to terms with the failure of approaching the highest principle of being, the Absolute (or God), rationally. He argues that the only possibility of recognizing (...)
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    System of transcendental idealism (1800).Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von Schelling - 1978 - Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia. Edited by Peter Heath.
    System of Transcendental Idealism is probably Schelling's most important philosophical work. A central text in the history of German idealism, its original German publication in 1800 came seven years after Fichte's Wissenschaftslehre and seven years before Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit.
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    The ages of the world: book one: the past (original version, 1811) plus supplementary fragments, including a fragment from Book two (the present) along with a fleeting glimpse into the future.Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von Schelling - 2019 - Albany: State University of New York Press. Edited by Joseph P. Lawrence.
    In 1810, after establishing a reputation as Europe's most prolific philosopher, F. W. J. Schelling embarked on his most ambitious project, The Ages of the World. For over a decade he produced multiple drafts of the work before finally conceding its failure, a "failure" in which Heidegger, Jaspers, Voegelin, and many others have discerned a pivotal moment in the history of philosophy. Slavoj Zizek calls this text the "vanishing mediator," the project that, even while withheld and concealed from view, connects (...)
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    Extrait du Système de la philosophie tout entière [ System der gesamten Philosophie ] ( SW VI, 556-569 ).Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von Schelling & Juliette Vallejo - 2022 - Philosophie 155 (4):8-17.
    Against the traditional – that is to say, Judaic – conception of morality as a submissive obedience to God’s commandments, and contrary to Kant’s moral doctrine that would consider both morality and religion as the consciousness of an object that the individual must attempt to reach, Schelling’s System from 1804 puts forward the idea of an « absolute morality » wherein knowledge and being are identical, the self is one with God – and thus also with himself – and can (...)
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    The Philosophy of Art.Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von Schelling, Douglas W. Stott & David Simpson - 1989 - U of Minnesota Press.
    Annotation. A new translation of Schelling's Die Philosophie der Kunst, 1859 with extensive commentary by the translator, Douglas W. Stott. Annotation copyrighted by Book News, Inc., Portland, OR.
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    Introduction á la philosophie de la mythologie.Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von Schelling - 1946 - Aubier,: Éditions Montaigne. Edited by S. Jankélévitch.
    En dépit de l'apparente diversité de leurs objets, les deux parties qui composent cette Introduction à la philosophie de la mythologie traduisent un unique dessein : opposer à la dialectique hégélienne alors triomphante une dialectique plus authentique, car reconduite à sa source grecque - chez Platon, mais aussi, de manière plus inattendue, chez Aristote. Le ressort de cette dialectique consiste dans l'auto-élimination progressive de tout ce qui est de l'ordre de l'hypothèse, du possible, de la " puissance ", pour que (...)
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    Ideas for a philosophy of nature as introduction to the study of this science, 1797.Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von Schelling - 1988 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This is the first English translation of Schelling's Ideas for a Philosophy of Nature (first published in 1797 and revised in 1803), one of the most significant works in the German tradition of philosophy of nature and early nineteenth-century philosophy of science. It stands in opposition to the Newtonian picture of matter as constituted by inert, impenetrable particles, and argues instead for matter as an equilibrium of active forces that engage in dynamic polar opposition to one another. In the revisions (...)
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  14.  42
    On the history of modern philosophy.Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von Schelling - 1994 - New York: Cambridge University Press. Edited by Andrew Bowie.
    On the History of Modern Philosophy is a key transitional text in the history of European philosophy. In it, F. W. J. Schelling surveys philosophy from Descartes to German Idealism and shows why the Idealist project is ultimately doomed to failure. The lectures trace the path of philosophy from Descartes through Spinoza, Leibniz, Kant, Fichte, Jacobi, to Hegel and Schelling's own work. The extensive critiques of Hegel prefigure many of the arguments to be found in Feuerbach, Kierkegaard, Marx, Nietzsche, Heidegger, (...)
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  15. On the Source of the Eternal Truths.Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von Schelling - 1990 - The Owl of Minerva 22 (1):55-67.
    The following lecture, published in German under the title, Abhandlung über die Quelle der ewigen Wahrheiten, in Schelling’s Sämmtliche Werke, v. 11, pp. 575–590, was one of the last that Schelling delivered in his long career. It contains in a condensed form the central ideas of his final philosophical system. In this new system he sought to rethink the operative principles of dialectical method and thereby to redirect the movement which he had once helped to found.
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    On the deities of Samothrace.Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von Schelling - 2024 - Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press. Edited by Alexander Bilda, Jason M. Wirth & David Farrell Krell.
    On the Deities of Samothrace is the first complete English translation of F. W. J. Schelling's remarkable 1815 lecture and subsequent book publication. This critical edition contains Schelling's original text (the lecture, endnotes, and afterword) along with explanatory notes and three original essays by the editors and translators that try to elucidate Schelling's text for contemporary readers.
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    The Abyss of Freedom.Slavoj Zizek, Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von Schelling & Judith Norman - 1997
    An essay by philosopher Slavoj Zizek, with an English translation of Schelling's beautiful and evocative "Ages of the World, " second draft.
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  18.  34
    Von Hildebrand, Scheler, and Marcel on Interpreting One’s Friends.Joseph Gamache - 2023 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 97 (1):75-99.
    It is generally accepted that truth is a norm of belief and that, whatever else this might mean, it implies that a person is obligated to believe a proposition only if it is true. Yet this seems to conflict with the norms by which friends form beliefs about each other. For instance, if friends are required to practice interpretive charity in the formation of their beliefs about each other, obligations to believe propositions that are false might arise. In this paper, (...)
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    Von Neumann's argument for the projection postulate.Joseph D. Sneed - 1966 - Philosophy of Science 33 (1/2):22-39.
    Much of the recent discussion of problematic aspects of quantum-mechanical measurement centers around that feature of quantum theory which is called "the projection postulate." This is roughly the claim that a change of a certain sort occurs in the state of a physical system when a measurement is made on the system. In this paper an argument for the projection postulate due to von Neumann is considered. Attention is focused on trying to provide an understanding of the notion of "the (...)
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  20.  25
    Bette Anton, MLS, is the Head Librarian of the Optometry Library/Health Sciences Information Service. This library serves the University of California at Berkeley–University of California at San Francisco Joint Medical Program and the University of California at Berkeley School of Optometry.Solomon R. Benatar, Susan S. Braithwaite, Alexander Morgan Capron, Ruth Chadwick, Joseph C. D’Oronzio, Susan Dorr Goold, Kenneth V. Iserson, Roger L. Jackson & Greg S. Loeben - 2000 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 9:446-447.
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  21. Durandus de S. Porciano, O.P.: Forschungen zum Streit um Thomas von Aquin zu Beginn des 14. Jahrhunderts.Joseph Koch - 1927 - Münster i. W.: Aschendorff.
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    J. G. Fichtes kritische Lektüre von Franz Anton Mesmers „Allgemeine Erläuterungen über den Magnetismus und den Somnambulismus“ als Ausgangspunkt für eigene naturphilosophischen Überlegungen.Hans Georg von Manz - 2016 - Fichte-Studien 43:239-254.
    J. G. Fichte’s »Tagebuch über den [animalischen] Magnetismus« [»Diary of the [animal] Magnetism«] from 1813 consists largely of excerpts and comments on reports from patients who have been treated with applications of animal magnetism. As part of the preparations for the critical edition of Fichte’s „Tagebuch über den Magnetismus“ the central text on which Fichte founded his further philosophical considerations could be identified: It is Franz Anton Mesmer’s „Allgemeine Erläuterungen über den Magnetismus und den Somnambulismus. Als vorläufige Einleitung in (...)
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  23.  39
    Schelling's Idealism and Philosophy of Nature.Joseph L. Esposito - 1977 - Associated University Press.
    Analyzes Schelling's arguments for his idealism and pieces together a description of his theory of nature from among the large number of his writings in this area. It also traces the influence of Naturphilosophie on 19th-century science and connects it with recent System Theory.
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  24.  17
    Polis und Kosmos. Habermas, Ratzinger und Kant über Politik und Religion.Anton Friedrich Koch - 2019 - Con-Textos Kantianos 1 (10):43-58.
    Anknüpfend an einen Dialog zwischen Jürgen Habermas und Joseph Ratzinger von 2004 über vorpolitische Grundlagen des demokratischen Rechtsstaates werden Eckpunkte möglicher Rechtfertigungen und ein strukturelles Defizit des Staates erörtert: selbst der demokratischste gefährdet die Freiheit seiner Bürger. Ratzinger und Habermas weisen dem religiösen Glauben differente Funktionen zu, um diesem und verwandten Defiziten abzuhelfen: Ratzinger setzt auf tiefe religiöse Überzeugung, Habermas auf Kulturchristentum. Dagegen wird hier die These vertreten, dass die vorgeschlagenen Abhilfen nicht wirkungsvoll sind. Vielmehr bedarf es einer im (...)
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    Moral parochialism and contextual contingency across seven societies.Daniel M. T. Fessler, H. Clark Barrett, Martin Kanovsky, Stephen P. Stich, Colin Holbrook, Joseph Henrich, Alexander H. Bolyanatz, Matthew M. Gervais, Michael Gurven, Geoff Kushnick, Anne C. Pisor, Christopher von Rueden & Stephen Laurence - 2015 - Proceedings of the Royal Society; B (Biological Sciences) 282:20150907.
    Human moral judgement may have evolved to maximize the individual's welfare given parochial culturally constructed moral systems. If so, then moral condemnation should be more severe when transgressions are recent and local, and should be sensitive to the pronouncements of authority figures (who are often arbiters of moral norms), as the fitness pay-offs of moral disapproval will primarily derive from the ramifications of condemning actions that occur within the immediate social arena. Correspondingly, moral transgressions should be viewed as less objectionable (...)
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    Kinship intensity and the use of mental states in moral judgment across societies.Cameron M. Curtin, H. Clark Barrett, Alexander Bolyanatz, Alyssa N. Crittenden, Daniel Fessler, Simon Fitzpatrick, Michael Gurven, Martin Kanovsky, Stephen Laurence, Anne Pisor, Brooke Scelza, Stephen Stich, Chris von Rueden & Joseph Henrich - 2020 - Evolution and Human Behavior 41 (5):415-429.
    Decades of research conducted in Western, Educated, Industrialized, Rich, & Democratic (WEIRD) societies have led many scholars to conclude that the use of mental states in moral judgment is a human cognitive universal, perhaps an adaptive strategy for selecting optimal social partners from a large pool of candidates. However, recent work from a more diverse array of societies suggests there may be important variation in how much people rely on mental states, with people in some societies judging accidental harms just (...)
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  27.  31
    Friedrich von Wieser and Friedrich A. Hayek: The General Equilibrium Tradition in Austrian Economics.Joseph T. Salerno - 2002 - Journal des Economistes Et des Etudes Humaines 12 (2).
    Bruce Caldwell has disputed a number of points in my earlier account of the development of the Austrian school of economics from Carl Menger to Ludwig von Mises and F.A. Hayek. The issues in contention regard Friedrich von Wieser’s intellectual affiliation with Hayek and his influence on the formation of Hayek’s economic thought; Wieser’s status as a general equilibrium theorist; and the reason for Hayek’s early flirtation with general equilibrium theory. In this article I argue that Hayek was a self-conscious (...)
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    Benedict XVI, A Life: Volume 1, Youth in Nazi Germany to the Second Vatican Council 1927–1965 by Peter Seewald.Emil Anton - 2022 - Nova et Vetera 20 (3):963-966.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Benedict XVI, A Life: Volume 1, Youth in Nazi Germany to the Second Vatican Council 1927–1965 by Peter SeewaldEmil AntonBenedict XVI, A Life: Volume 1, Youth in Nazi Germany to the Second Vatican Council 1927–1965 by Peter Seewald, translated by Dinah Livingstone (London: Bloomsbury Continuum, 2020), xi + 500 pp.What better way to spend Pope Benedict XVI's ninety-fourth birthday than by reviewing a Ratzinger biography while having Apfelstrudel (...)
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    Anton von Euw, Die St. Galler Buchkunst vom 8. bis zum Ende des 11. Jahrhunderts, 1: Textband; 2: Tafelband.(Monasterium Sancti Galli, 3.) St. Gall: Klosterhof St. Gallen, 2008. 1: pp. 593. 2: pp. 731; 921 color figures. [REVIEW]Adam S. Cohen & Hannah L. Moland - 2010 - Speculum 85 (2):474-476.
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    Ixmann and the gavagai.Joseph Agassi - 1988 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 19 (1):103-116.
    Dirk Koppelberg is an ambitious new arrival to take notice of. His first book, "Die Aufhebung der analytischen Philosophic: Quine als Synthese von Carnap und Neurath" (Suhrkamp, 1987, pp. 416) is extremely detailed and comprehensive. In succinct 300 pages or so (plus 40 pages of notes and 30 pages of (not too successful) bibliography) he manages to touch on W. V. Quine's diverse concerns, to synthesize them, to relate them to their..
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  31. From tolerance to freedom-Joseph-II's' Toleranz-Patent'and Leopold von Hay's' Pastoral Letter'.M. Montuori - 2002 - Filosofia 53 (1-2):1-33.
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    Affectivity in Moral Epistemology.Joseph Gamache - 2021 - Idealistic Studies 51 (1):3-26.
    Recent epistemology and value theory have become more open to the role played by affectivity in the constitution of human knowledge of value. In this paper, two figures important to the phenomenological and personalistic traditions are retrieved as precedents for this contemporary development: Edith Stein and Dietrich von Hildebrand. In the first part of the paper, Stein’s phenomenology of affective acts is adapted as an account of the structure of “value-grasping acts.” The second part of the paper identifies two difficulties (...)
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  33. Man.Joseph Agassi - unknown
    1. The Real Claim of the Chicago School If anything dramatic has happened in economic theory over the last one hundred years – namely, since the advent of marginalism – then, everyone agrees, it was not the rise of the Chicago neo -classical school which, after all, only synthesized the various versions of marginalism, but the Keynesian Revolution. Assessments of this revolution were repeatedly invited, particularly by opponent, chiefly from Chicago. F. A. von Hayek has explicitly and bitterly blames Keynes (...)
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  34. La vision chrétienne de l'homme comme obstacle au totalitarisme: Joseph Goebbels, Dietrich von Hildebrand, S. Thomas d'Aquin.Charles Morerod - 2010 - Nova et Vetera 85 (3):317-339.
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    Das Prinzipienproblem in der Philosophie des Thomas von Aquin. [REVIEW]Joseph Owens - 1984 - Review of Metaphysics 38 (1):129-130.
    This book is a revised version of the author's doctoral dissertation at Ruhr-Universität Bochum. It notes that modern writers on Aquinas, unlike those on other philosophers, seldom disagree with him, and that especially he has to be set free from the prejudices of the later textbook Thomism institutionalized by the encyclical Aeterni Patris. Accordingly the book proposes to meet this situation by following the lead of the fifteenth-century Peter of Bergamo and the work of E.-H. Wéber in emphasizing the overt (...)
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    Hildebrandian Importance as a Scale of Forms.Joseph Gamache - 2021 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 95:91-103.
    The present work argues that value is a properly philosophical concept, the study and understanding of which therefore requires philosophical inquiry. It does so by bringing together two, quite different, philosophers: R. G. Collingwood and Dietrich von Hildebrand. From the former, this work takes its account of what differentiates philosophical concepts. From the latter, it takes the concept of importance as differentiated into intrinsic value, objective goodness, and subjective satisfaction. After explicating the distinctive features of philosophical concepts (the intensional overlap (...)
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  37.  41
    Friendship versus the Normativity of Truth.Joseph Gamache - 2019 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 93 (3):527-549.
    According to some contemporary epistemologists, truth is a norm of belief: for any proposition p, one ought to believe that p only if p is true. It is sometimes also held that the evaluation of beliefs in terms of their truth-value is universal: truth is a norm of all, and not merely some, of one’s beliefs. Taken together, these claims have inspired the “friendship objection” to the truth-norm. According to this objection, friendship sometimes requires that friends violate the truth-norm when (...)
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  38.  33
    Convention, Invention, and Necessity.Joseph L. Esposito - 1980 - Dialectica 34 (3):205-210.
    SummaryPhilosophically speaking, invention is the mother of necessity. This means that Hume's analysis of the idea of necessity utilizing the notion of power, when properly qualified, is essentially sound and not at all a discouraging prospect. The task of the paper, then, is to specify in what respect it is possible to claim, for the various important senses of ‘necessary’, that such a notion is applicable whenever successful control has been exercised.RésuméDu point de vue philosophique, I'invention est la mère de (...)
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  39. Caught Between History and Imagination: Vico's Ingenium for a Rhetorical Renovation of Citizenship.Alessandra Beasley Von Burg - 2010 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 43 (1):26-53.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Caught Between History and ImaginationVico's Ingenium for a Rhetorical Renovation of CitizenshipAlessandra Beasley Von BurgCitizenship is usually thought of as synonymous with nationality and the rights and duties associated with the people who live, work, and participate politically, socially, and economically within the borders of their nation-state. In this conception, the main criterion used to decide who is and who is not a citizen is nationality. As the nature (...)
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    The Public International Law Theory of Hans Kelsen: Believing in Universal Law.Jochen von Bernstorff - 2010 - Cambridge University Press.
    This analysis of Hans Kelsen's international law theory takes into account the context of the German international legal discourse in the first half of the twentieth century, including the reactions of Carl Schmitt and other Weimar opponents of Kelsen. The relationship between his Pure Theory of Law and his international law writings is examined, enabling the reader to understand how Kelsen tried to square his own liberal cosmopolitan project with his methodological convictions as laid out in his Pure Theory of (...)
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    Zion in the West: Cultural Zionism, Diasporic Doubles, and the “Direction” of Jewish Literary Identity in Kafka’s Der Verschollene.Joseph Metz - 2004 - Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift für Literaturwissenschaft Und Geistesgeschichte 78 (4):646-671.
    This essay reads Der Verschollene in the context of Prague cultural Zionism and its conflict between Western Jewish assimilation and Eastern Jewish “authenticity.” The novel’s symbolic network articulates Kafka’s problematic relationship to cultural Zion-ist thought, his valorization of Yiddish culture, and his ambivalent understanding of his literary identity as an assimilated Western Jew. As Karl travels West, he paradoxically travels East: through the embodiment of Yiddish by his doubles (Delamarche, Robinson) and the return of Kafka’s “black” Eastern Jewish actor friend (...)
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  42. Fundamenta scientiae, 9, 1988, 189-202 (slightly revised) neo-classical economics as 18th century theory of.Joseph Agassi - manuscript
    1. The Real Claim of the Chicago School If anything dramatic has happened in economic theory over the last one hundred years – namely, since the advent of marginalism – then, everyone agrees, it was not the rise of the Chicago neo -classical school which, after all, only synthesized the various versions of marginalism, but the Keynesian Revolution. Assessments of this revolution were repeatedly invited, particularly by opponent, chiefly from Chicago. F. A. von Hayek has explicitly and bitterly blames Keynes (...)
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    The sceptre of moderation: Montlosier and the emergence of the modern right in the French counter-revolution.Nicolai von Eggers - 2024 - History of European Ideas 50 (6):1052-1069.
    Intellectual historians have tended to focus on the most radical intellectuals of the counter-revolution such as Joseph de Maistre and Louis de Bonald, but the counter-revolution was an intellectually composite movement with many intellectual currents and ideas. In this article, I shed light on the composite character of the counter-revolution by focusing on one of its most moderate members, the comte de Montlosier. The article presents contextualised analysis of Montlosier’s conception of moderation, his theory of politics, his critique of (...)
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    A Foray Into the Worlds of Animals and Humans: With a Theory of Meaning.Joseph D. O'Neil (ed.) - 2010 - Univ of Minnesota Press.
    Is the tick a machine or a machine operator? Is it a mere object or a subject? With these questions, the pioneering biophilosopher Jakob von Uexküll embarks on a remarkable exploration of the unique social and physical environments that individual animal species, as well as individuals within species, build and inhabit. This concept of the umwelt has become enormously important within posthumanist philosophy, influencing such figures as Heidegger, Merleau-Ponty, Deleuze and Guattari, and, most recently, Giorgio Agamben, who has called Uexküll (...)
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  45. The philosophical logic of Stéphane Lupasco (1900–1988).Joseph E. Brenner - 2010 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 19 (3):243-285.
    The advent of quantum mechanics in the early 20 th Century had profound consequences for science and mathematics, for philosophy (Schrödinger), and for logic (von Neumann). In 1968, Putnam wrote that quantum mechanics required a revolution in our understanding of logic per se. However, applications of quantum logics have been little explored outside the quantum domain. Dummett saw some implications of quantum logic for truth, but few philosophers applied similar intuitions to epistemology or ontology. Logic remained a truth-functional ’science’ of (...)
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    Benedict XVI: A Life. Volume 2, Professor and Prefect to Pope and Pope Emeritus 1966–The Present by Peter Seewald (review). [REVIEW]Emil Anton - 2024 - Nova et Vetera 22 (1):285-289.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Benedict XVI: A Life. Volume 2, Professor and Prefect to Pope and Pope Emeritus 1966–The Present by Peter SeewaldEmil AntonBenedict XVI: A Life. Volume 2, Professor and Prefect to Pope and Pope Emeritus 1966–The Present by Peter Seewald, translated by Dinah Livingstone (London: Bloomsbury Continuum, 2021), viii + 568 pp.What better way to spend Pope Benedict XVI's ninety-fifth birthday (which turned out to be his last) than by (...)
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  47. Varieties of Austrian Price Theory: Rothbard Reviews Kirzner.Joseph Salerno - 2011 - Libertarian Papers 3.
    The root of any system of economic theory is the theory of price. But while modern Austrian economists have put a great deal of effort and ingenuity into building up the superstructure of their discipline since the mid-1970s, they have paid scant attention to ensuring that the price theory supporting the edifice is a sound and settled doctrine. The result is that, for many current Austrians, price theory is a “dynamic” version of neoclassical price theory. More precisely, it is Chicago (...)
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    Between Center and Periphery.Peter Joseph Fritz - 2012 - Philosophy and Theology 24 (2):297-311.
    Rahner's Mariology and theology of the saints exemplify his respect for the universality of the Catholic ethos. The article’s three parts substantiate this claim. First, it analyzes Rahner's placement of Mary outside his theology's center, while he resists marginalizing her. This analysis involves contrasting Rahner with Hans Urs von Balthasar. Second, it reads Rahner's theology of Mary's Assumption as an exercise in fundamental-eschatological theology. He takes a similar approach in his theology of the saints. Third, it considers Rahner's thoughts on (...)
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    Thomas Mann: Joseph und seine Brüder I. Die Geschichten Jaakobs/Der junge Joseph. Kommentar , hrsg. von Jan Assmann, Dieter Borchmeyer und Stephan Stachorski, Frankfurt a. M.: Fischer Verlag 2018, 937 S.; ders.: Joseph und seine Brüder II. Joseph in Ägypten/Joseph, der Ernährer. Kommentar , hrsg. von Jan Assmann, Dieter Borchmeyer und Stephan Stachorski, Frankfurt a. M.: Fischer Verlag 2018, 1142 S. [REVIEW]Reinhard Mehring - 2019 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 71 (4):425-427.
  50.  17
    The Heart: An Analysis of Human and Divine Affectation.Dietrich von Hildebrand, John Haldane & John F. Crosby - 2007 - St. Augustine's Press.
    This new edition of The Heart is the flagship volume in a series of Dietrich von Hildebrand's works to be published by St. Augustine's Press in collaboration with the Dietrich von Hildebrand Legacy Project. Founded in 2004, the Legacy Project exists in the first place to translate the many German writings of von Hildebrand into English. While many revere von Hildebrand as a religious author, few realize that he was a philosopher of great stature and importance. Those who knew von (...)
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